Quick Tip: How To Do LinkedIn in 15 Minutes a Day

How to do LinkedIn in 15 minutes a day to keep yourself visible to your network:

LinkedIn does not have to take hours a day. In fact, with a little time management and a system in place you can reach some consistent results in only 15 minutes a day.

LinkedIn Strategy

    • Respond to messages and invitations in your LinkedIn Inbox. (2 minutes)
    • Search for people you met in the last couple days and send a request to connect. (3 minutes)
    • Browse the news feed on your homepage and “like” or comment on posts by others. (2 minutes)
    • View the group discussion for 1 or 2 groups that are targeted toward your current goal. “Like” or comment where appropriate. (4 minutes)
    • View the discussion on 1 or 2 of the company pages you are following. “Like” or comment where appropriate. (2 minutes)
    • Post a status update on your homepage. (2 minutes)

Now, this plan is meant for maintenance of an existing online presence. If your goals are to generate a ton of leads or launch a new product or service, your time investment will need to increase to have the desired effects on LinkedIn. But again, with a strategy in place, you can reach amazing results and success with LinkedIn.

We love to talk strategy…contact us for ideas on how to position your use of LinkedIn toward growing your business.



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