10 Work Samples You Could be Displaying on Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Engagement

If you were familiar with the old LinkedIn Applications, you know that there were ways you could share images and presentations on your LinkedIn profile. The updates to LinkedIn have done away with LinkedIn Apps, but have made it even easier to incorporate a variety of work samples throughout your profile. You can now share images, videos, audio recordings, presentations and documents by either uploading the content to LinkedIn or providing a URL to where the content resides.

Here are ten examples of work samples that you could be displaying on your LinkedIn profile:

  1. A free report, checklist or white paper.
  2. A video of you speaking – either a presentation that you’ve done or a greeting to your audience.
  3. A video explaining your product or service.
  4. An image of your work – perfect for graphic designers and artists, but can also be used to display finished projects from any industry.
  5. A slide presentation about your company or service.
  6. A sample chapter from  a book you’ve written.
  7. An audio recording – great for entertainers, but also good for those that teach or educate.
  8. A link to an interview that was done with you.
  9. A link to an article that was written about you.
  10. A video or TED talk that relates to your industry and the service you provide.

Remember, the goal of LinkedIn (and other social media sites) is to be social. Let others get to know you through your profile. Set yourself apart from the boring, text-only profiles. Start building the know, like and trust of a true business relationship.

4 Responses to 10 Work Samples You Could be Displaying on Your LinkedIn Profile

  1. I love the idea of including a free report in your LinkedIn profile! Very good article–one that I will definitely save for future reference 🙂

  2. I just figured out how to do this! Thanks for the reminder! I need to pick out a few other ideas you have listed here and do that too!

    Susan Dusterhoft
    Today’s Working Woman

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