The Best Use for LinkedIn Endorsements

While many still consider LinkedIn Endorsements to be meaningless in terms of a testament to one’s skills and abilities,  they are still a relevant and productive tool to engage with your network. I often wonder if I’m a single endorsement in a connection’s day or part of a mass “endorse all” prompted by LinkedIn. To…Continue Reading

LinkedIn Success Story: Bob Finley, Organo Gold

We’re sharing another LinkedIn Success Story. Bob Finley wrote to us to tell us how LinkedIn has helped him prospect for new customers and distributors for his Organo Gold business. “Using LinkedIn has helped me find other business-orientated prospects who have influence and know other potential customers. I focus on groups, location, and individual background…Continue Reading

LinkedIn for the Business Professional: A Guide to Growing Your Business Through the Use of LinkedIn

Just released on Kindle: LinkedIn for the Business Professional: A Guide to Growing Your Business Through the Use of LinkedIn If you’re familiar with social media, you know that unless you have a specific strategy or goal in mind, it’s very easy to spend hours a day on any of the sites, without accomplishing much. Our…Continue Reading

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