Ideas for Re-Marketing Your Existing Content

Changing your existing content to great social media engagement
Ideas for Re-Marketing Your Existing Content

Odds are you have a wealth of information sitting on your laptop that’s just waiting to be shared with others. Perhaps, you have a speech outline you prepared years ago for a business presentation. Or maybe you have answers to frequently asked questions written out so you can respond easily when asked. You may even have an article or two lurking that were published once.

All of this information is what establishes you as an expert in your field. Your job now is to find a way to share it, over and over again, in new ways, to reach new audiences. Below we share some ideas for how to do this.

Let’s begin with that speech outline. You found an audience wanting to hear your message once, now turn it into a teleseminar so others can benefit as well. There are a number of resources for conducting a teleseminar. Find one that offers a good recording option. Schedule your event, promote it through your networks, but don’t worry about how many people sign up to attend. The goal is to get the recording of the live event.

With your recording you can turn the information into an audio CD or download. Depending on the content and your goal, you can either charge for the product or offer it as a free taste.

Take your recording and get it transcribed. The written presentation now becomes the basis for a series of articles, blog posts, white papers, ezine content, and e-books. By breaking the transcribed document into sections and adding different introductory paragraphs, you have content that can be used over a variety of mediums to reach new markets. Share this written content through article directories, guest blog posts, bookmarking sites, and of course your own website.

With your recording and the transcription, you can package them together as a podcast. Upload the podcast to iTunes and refer people to your website to get the transcribed copy of the material.

Add some visual elements to your presentation with the help of PowerPoint and your material easily becomes a webinar product that you can sell or a video that you can upload to YouTube.

All along the way you are creating content that can be shared with your social networks. Promote your event, offer a link to the recording, refer them to your site to download a whitepaper, upload your YouTube video, and promote your webinar offering.

The opportunities to share your message are limitless. And you don’t need to write new content to continually do it. Use your core expertise to develop a portfolio of offerings and then it becomes more about spreading your message than creating your message. This is a key element in leveraging your time. Think of yourself as the content creator. Then hire someone to do the repackaging and distribution. You’ll only have to touch it once and from there is will be able to circle the globe.

Photo by Arlyn Testing

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